Self Pick up at * you need to enter(at checkout page) the a vaild Hong Kong Mobile phone number to receive the SMS Pin code to collect the parcel at pick up point as below EF Locker / SF Store/ SF service Point (*New pick-up: 7-11, Circle K, Vango store, Shell oil station and outlaying island shops) From $35-$120 Customer may get extra charge by SF: If the customer didn't to pick up the parcel within the period, SF Express may request additional charges: From 28 June 2021 (Monday), SF Retention Service Fee will be applied if customers are unable to pick up their parcels within the designated period at SF Business Stations , SF Stores or EF Lockers ^. Details as below: 1. Pick up at SF Business Stations or SF Stores |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Door to Door Home and office Free for Delivery : Spend $1000 up Free for delivery (except overweight 25kg) |
自取件可於 *你需要在提交剖單版面輸入有效香港手提電話號碼以接收SMS 信息.以有關Pin code 提貨號取件. 順豐櫃/順豐站及(新增*順豐服務點)( 7-11, OK便利點, Vango, Shell油站及離島聯營點)由$45-$120 客戶如未能於期內提取貨件將可能被順豐要求額外收費: 由2021年6月28日(星期 1. 於順豐營業點或順豐站自取快件 |
送貨往指定地址(公司或住家) 全單滿$1000 運費: 免除 (25kg以上超重件除外) |