Brain Octane Premium C8 MCT Oil


$220.00 HKD

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  • Brain Booster: Pure MCT oil provides rapid mental and physical energy; supports cognitive function and keeps you satisfied and free from food cravings
  • Sugar Free Energy: Rapidly absorbed providing instant energy. Experience the power of using quality fats for fuel and keeping you focused for hours Key Product Features
  • Curb Cravings: With C8 MCT oil from the best part of the coconut, you'll crave less and be more satisfied; add to your daily routine
  • Burn Fat: Brain Octane MCT oil is extracted from coconut oil, not palm oil and digests more efficiently into ketone energy; Keto and Paleo friendly
  • Supports Healthy Digestion: Brain Octane produces 4x the ketone energy of plain coconut oil. Promotes healthy digestion and immune function
  • weight : 414ml (14fl.oz)
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