Kamut Berries 22oz


$60.00 HKD

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Ancient grain
Excellent source of dietary fiber

If Kamut (Khorasan) had a motto, it might just be "Big & Bold". Twice the size of modern varieties, this ancient form of wheat is packed with vitamins & minerals & has a rich, butter flavor you have to taste to believe!

Kamut has a much richer and more varied nutritional profile than common wheat and therefore is quite a bit healthier than wheat. Compared to Kamut, modern wheat is higher in calories and carbohydrates, significantly lower in protein and fiber. Kamut is a type of wheat that contains less gluten and more protein than regular wheat. Kamut also provides all 8 essential amino acids. This makes it easier to digest.

The name itself is actually trademarked by Montana farmers who wanted to protect the integrity and qualities of the grain, preventing it from becoming just another hybrid, industrial crop. The proper name is Khorasan wheat. 

 Mockmill milling nr. : 1 fine flour

Suggested Uses:

Cook in milk or juice for a filling breakfast cereal.

Add to soups, stews, pilafs, or stir fries

Grind into a flour for use in baked goods; sub cup-for-cup for whole wheat flour in recipes.


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