Sourdough Panettone and viennoiserie


$950.00 HKD

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The book is divided into three main parts: Theory, Practice and Recipes.

  • The "Theory" chapter provides a hitherto unpublished understanding of the phenomena involved: evolution of the bacterial flora during manufacture, role of minority bacteria, production of dextrans... Several scientific studies shed new light on the subject.

The author also presents the basics of the universal method that will allow you to create your own recipes for sourdough pastries.

  • The "Practice" chapter allows everyone to become familiar with the basic materials and techniques. You will find essential and concrete information: where to buy moulds, flour... Many steps guide the reader from the management of the sourdough, through the kneading and shaping stages to the confiscation of the fruit.


  • Finally, the Recipes section offers you more than twenty highly detailed sourdough recipes: panettone, croissant, brioche, kouglof...

With the participation and recipes of the world's greatest chefs: Ezio Marinato, Mauro Morandin, Alfonso Pepe, Daniel Jorda, Miquel Saborit, Christophe Louie, Emmanuel Revuz and Roy Shvartzapel!

The book offers several levels of reading. It is intended for professionals and passionate amateurs. Years of work combined in a 264-page bible, just for you!

Language : English

Panettone y bollería de masa madre from Books For Chefs on Vimeo.


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