Delivery cost | 運費 | Pick up and delivery

Our delivery is by SF express Hong Kong  EF express

Self Pick up at  

* you need to enter(at checkout page) the a vaild Hong Kong Mobile phone number to receive the SMS Pin code to collect the parcel at pick up point as below

EF Locker / SF Store/ SF service Point (*New pick-up: 7-11, Circle K, Vango store, Shell oil station and outlaying island shops) From $35-$120

Customer may get extra charge by SF: 

If the customer didn't to pick up the parcel within the period, SF Express may request additional charges:

From 28 June 2021 (Monday), SF Retention Service Fee will be applied if customers are unable to pick up their parcels within the designated period at SF Business Stations SF Stores or EF Lockers ^. Details as below:

1. Pick up at SF Business Stations or SF Stores
Customers who choose to pick up their parcels at SF Business Stations or SF Stores and unable to pick them up within the first 2 days* of the SMS/ SFHK APP pickup notification from our system, will be charged for SF Retention Service Fee for every 1 day*. The cost will be accumulated every day.
*The number of day(s) is/ are calculated from Monday to Saturday. Sundays and public holidays are excluded.

2. Pick up at EF Lockers^
For parcels collected from EF Lockers ^ after the first 24 hours of SMS/ SFHK APP pick up notification from our system, an accumulative fee of HK$10 will be charged for every 24-hour as a unit thereafter.
^ SF Retention Service Fee will not be applied to those EF Locker with diversion purpose. Click here for EF Locker List.


Door to Door Home and office

Free for Delivery :

Spend $1000 up Free for delivery  (except overweight 25kg)










*你需要在提交剖單版面輸入有效香港手提電話號碼以接收SMS 信息.以有關Pin code 提貨號取件.

順豐櫃/順豐站及(新增*順豐服務點)( 7-11, OK便利點, Vango, Shell油站及離島聯營點)由$45-$120


由2021年6月28日(星期一)起,如客戶選擇於香港順豐營業點 順豐站 順便智能櫃 ^取件,而未能於指定時間前完成提取,順豐香港將收取「豐管家」費用,詳情如下:

1. 於順豐營業點或順豐站自取快件
客戶選擇於順豐營業點 順豐站 自取快件,而未能於系統發出的短訊/順豐香港 SFHK APP取件通知首2天*內完成取件,順豐香港將於往後每1天*收取港幣10元「豐管家」費用。費用將以每1天為單位進行累計。

2. 於順便智能櫃^自取快件
客戶選擇於順便智能櫃 ^取件,而未能於系統發出的短訊/順豐香港 SFHK APP取件通知首24小時內完成,順豐香港將於往後每24小時收取港幣10元「豐管家」服務費用。費用將以每24小時為單位進行累計。
^為協助快件分流,順豐站內櫃機豁免豐管家服務收費,按此 查看詳細順便智能櫃地址。


全單滿$1000 運費: 免除 (25kg以上超重件除外)