Organic Cornstarch


$42.00 HKD

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Ingredients:Organic cornstarch

  • Gluten free
  • vegan
  • USDA organic
  • Non-GMO

Organic Cornstarch we begin with certified organic and GMO-free corn and we chop its kernels into tiny bits. We wash these chopped kernels with a strong, clean water rinse, then spin in a centrifuge to separate out the starch. After filtering and drying thoroughly, we have a pure organic cornstarch powder perfect for your baking needs.

Since Let's Do...Organic Cornstarch has twice the thickening power of flour, when a recipe calls for flour you may use half as much organic cornstarch to thicken the recipe. Just remember that one tablespoon of cornstarch equals two tablespoons flour.

Weight: 6oz(170g)

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